January 24, 2011 (Boston, MA ) - Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, named Public Affairs Agency of the Year 2010 by The Holmes Report, today announced the hiring of Andy Izquierdo as senior vice president in its ... MasterCard, The Museum of Science Boston, Northeastern University, Raymond Property Company, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, Saint Raphael`s Healthcare System, Shady Hill School, Toyota, UGL Unicco, Vanguard Health Systems, and Veolia<wbr>& ...
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Scott Blossom, is offering workshops in Boston for the first time this weekend. Co-hosted by the ... All classes will be held at Shady Hill School in the Assembly Hall 178 Coolidge Hill Cambridge, Ma (there is plenty of parking).
His son Patrick is in the class of 2017, and his daughter Grace is in the class of 2014 at Yarmouth High School. ... He holds an M.A. from Tufts University/Shady Hill School Joint Program and a B.A. from Hamilton College. Schaeffer is the Chief ... As five new members join the Board of Trustees, two members` terms expired and they have stepped down from their positions on the Board: Rick Abbondanza of Cumberland Foreside and Priscilla Savage of Boston, MA.
Founded in 1997 by Deborah Meier, Mission Hill is a K-8 Boston public elementary school primarily serving low income children, most of whom are Latino or African American. The school district recently relocated the school& ...
January 24, 2011 (Boston, MA ) - Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, named Public Affairs Agency of the Year 2010 by The Holmes Report, today announced the hiring of Andy Izquierdo as senior vice president in its ... MasterCard, The Museum of Science Boston, Northeastern University, Raymond Property Company, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, Saint Raphael`s Healthcare System, Shady Hill School, Toyota, UGL Unicco, Vanguard Health Systems, and Veolia<wbr>& ...
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